A Common Voice COPE Project

A Common Voice

Support Group

Who Our Support Groups Are For

A Common Voice | C.O.P.E. Project’s Regional Virtual Support Groups are monthly opportunities for parents / caregivers who have children / youth (ages 2-22) experiencing behavioral health challenges in the home, school, community, or hospital / facility to connect with other parents / caregivers on a similar journey. Youth do not have to already have diagnoses or be enrolled in behavioral health for a parent / caregiver to join our support group.  These support groups are facilitated by Lead Parent Support Specialists (LPSS) who are certified peer counselors with expertise in navigating the WA behavioral health system. LPSSs also fellow parents who have / are navigating challenging behaviors and symptoms with their child / youth and have accessed numerous layers of the behavioral health system. These support groups are a great place to share and connect, network with others on a similar journey, gain ideas / strategies, restore Hope, and to be reminded that YOU ARE NOT ALONE.
*Please note: These Zoom links are registration links. Once you click on the registration link for your regional support group, please fill out the registration form. Once reviewed and approved you will receive a zoom link to join the support group. We encourage you to save that link! For questions please email Jasmine Martinez: Jasmine@acommonvoice.org

Click to find the Support Group For You